Circa hosting_84u3kt3n

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Finora hosting_84u3kt3n ha creato 22 post nel blog.

Mucomixx al IV Congresso Nazionale ATASIO


Agli inizi di febbraio si è solto a Roma, presso il Dipertimento di Scienza Odontostomatologiche dell'Università di Roma "Sapienza", il IV Congresso Nazionale ATASIO (Accademia di Tecnologie Avanzate nelle Scienze dell'Igiene Orale). Il convegno si

Mucomixx al IV Congresso Nazionale ATASIO2022-02-10T16:00:01+00:00

Effect of Lactobacillus brevis CD2 containing lozenges and plaque pH and cariogenic bacteria in diabetic children: a randomised clinical trial


Stefano Lai, Peter Lingström, Maria Grazia Cagetti, Fabio Cocco, Gianfranco Meloni, Maria Antonietta Arrica & Guglielmo Campus Abstract Objective - The short-term effect (60 days) of Lactobacillus brevis CD2 lozenges vs placebo on variables related

Effect of Lactobacillus brevis CD2 containing lozenges and plaque pH and cariogenic bacteria in diabetic children: a randomised clinical trial2021-10-29T10:43:42+00:00

Mucomixx sarà presente a Expodental, Rimini dal 9 all’11 settembre


Venite a trovare il nostro distributore per l’Italia, Biosphaera allo stand Infodent. Expodental Meeting, l'appuntamento irrinunciabile del settore dentale. LOCATION/ Fiera di Rimini (RN) PADIGLIONI/ A7-C7 e A5-C5 INGRESSO/ Porta OVEST - Via San Martino in Riparotta

Mucomixx sarà presente a Expodental, Rimini dal 9 all’11 settembre2021-08-18T08:08:20+00:00

Expodental Meeting


L'appuntamento più importante dell'anno per i professionisti del settore dentale italiano. LOCATION/ Rimini Fiera (RN) PADIGLIONI/ A1/2/3 - C1/2/3 INGRESSO/ Porta SUD - Via Emilia 155, Rimini DATE/ 14 | 15 | 16 maggio 2020 ORARI/ giovedì

Expodental Meeting2020-03-27T10:36:00+00:00

Lactobacillus brevis CD2 for Prevention of Oral Mucositis in Patients With Head and Neck Tumors: A Multicentric Randomized Study.


De Sanctis, V., Belgioia, L., Cante, D., La Porta, M. R., Caspiani, O., Guarnaccia, R., et al. Abstract BACKGROUND - Oropharyngeal mucositis occurs in virtually all patients with head and neck cancer receiving radiochemotherapy. The

Lactobacillus brevis CD2 for Prevention of Oral Mucositis in Patients With Head and Neck Tumors: A Multicentric Randomized Study.2020-06-08T13:26:59+00:00

Lactobacillus brevis CD2 lozenges prevent oral mucositis in patients undergoing high dose chemotherapy followed by haematopoietic stem cell transplantation


Sharma, A., Rath, G. K., Chaudhary, S. P., Thakar, A., Mohanti, B. K., & Bahadur, S. Background Oral mucositis is a common inflammatory complication in patients undergoing high-dose chemotherapy and radiation followed by haematopoietic stem

Lactobacillus brevis CD2 lozenges prevent oral mucositis in patients undergoing high dose chemotherapy followed by haematopoietic stem cell transplantation2020-06-08T13:28:21+00:00

A Pilot Study on the Efficacy of Lactobacillus Brevis CD2 Lozenges in Preventing Oral Mucositis by High-Dose Chemotherapy with Autologous Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation


Giammarco, S., Chiusolo, P., Di Giovanni, A., Metafuni, E., Sica, S., Iavarone, F., et al. Abstract Treatment-induced oral mucositis (OM) is a pathological process characterized by mucosal damage, from mild inflammation to deep ulcerations and

A Pilot Study on the Efficacy of Lactobacillus Brevis CD2 Lozenges in Preventing Oral Mucositis by High-Dose Chemotherapy with Autologous Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation2020-06-08T13:40:47+00:00



20 Marzo 2020 Una ricorrenza voluta da FDI – World Dental Federation per incentivare le persone, le comunità e le istituzioni ad agire per ridurre l’impatto delle patologie del cavo orale. La manifestazione coinvolge oltre 70 paesi

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